Monday, March 23, 2009

Mee I bought 2 kgs of Grapes~!! :)

Since mummy thinks that I should buy grapes instead of buying clothes for my wardrobe is going to explode as what mee perceived after looking at the stuff I bought from my previous post, Ruth and I went to Victoria Market to buy 2 kgs of grapes yesterday!! :D

Only $1 per kg which is really cheap compared to Malaysia which will sum up to RM8 per kg during offer while RM14/15 without sale.

$1 for 1 kg per bag gonna stuff myself with grapes from now on :)
All-Hail-Vanity shots when boredom striked:

I know bohemian look is so last season but whatever.

This is what happens when a girl feel pretty hehehehehehehehehe slap me.

The small can of tuna which produced the mountain of tuna sandwiches!!


And here' another photo-shop frenzy out of boredom:
P/s: it seems like I've got a lot of time self-capturing huh but the fact is am a very busy woman and self-capturing is the only way of entertaining myself bohliaoness =____="

Changed the eye colour and sharpened the nose.
But of course am already satisfied with my face now all-hail-vanity! :D

bahha very random post back to work.

More updates soon and naked-boy-running-in-tram-aftermath-video coming up next.
YES NAKED *faints*

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