Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I am gonna die of exhaustion!

I am telling you I almost had a heart attack, searching up and down frantically unpacking the many many I lost count luggage in the small room for my PASSPORT!!!!!!!

I am afraid that I threw it away together with the architectural models that I've made for 2 semesters and one year pile of garbage which just burst out of nowhere. Seriously, where did all these rubbish come from?!!??!

No more camberwell for the year I am telling you, in fact, Ruth and I can sell in RUN Camberwell market already seriously no joke.

Structures exam was okay, quite manageable with me finishing up the whole paper half and hour before time while others struggled to finish the paper in time! I wouldn't say I'll score with flying colours but still, it's so much easier than Physics paper back in high school.

It is weird having a whole room to myself now, oh well it's just a temporary one though I am not to think of shifting all my stuff AGAIN temporarily or I will faint just to even think of it.

Okay very the tired already, 8 hours of shifting after final exam paper in the afternoon ain't no joke. Still swimming through my piles of luggage, where the hell did I misplace my last week's $81 pay!?!?!?!?! T____T

Fine gonna brush my teeth and sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

P/s: Jessmine is on the way back to home sweet home Malaysia flying BUSINESS CLASS!! So glamorous sometimes good things just come your way.

I believe in karma :)


P/s; WHERE IS MY TOOTHPASTE?@!?!?!?! =-=


P/S: I FOUND THE $81 BAG SO HAPPY PLEASE?!?!?!?!! *jumps around*


  1. XD
    u seriously think that high school physic was harder than your structure exam>?

    btw.. good luck in locating all your items.
    You should have great memory actually because u are able to memorize the piano score while can't remember where you place your stuff? Probably you just don't know where to trigger your switch~!

    all the best~

  2. hahahahaha Songkeat I don't know wor, but structures make a lot of sense which is really easy to remember compared to subjects and papers like sejarah!!

    You get me :P

    aiyoh, piano score is different, must have feeling one, this I don't know, is a chore I guess :\

    anyway thanks and I will try my best to locate everything, and throw every unwanted thingsssssssss.@@
